
Red Custard Apple Fruit| Health Benefits

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Red custard apple fruit (annona reticulata) is also known as a cherimoya, bullock’s heart, bull’s heart or the Jamaican apple.

The red custard apple is a testament to the beauty that arises when flavor and nutrition converge.

Beyond its delectable taste, the red custard apple boasts a trove of health benefits.

Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, this fruit becomes not just a culinary delight but a nourishing elixir for the body.

Origin of Red Custard Apple

The Red Custard Apple, also known as the red-skinned or purple custard apple, is believed to have originated in the highlands of Central and South America.

Specifically, this sugar apple is thought to have originated in the Andean region, spanning parts of Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia.

Over time, this tropical fruit has been cultivated in various other regions with suitable climates, including Southeast Asia and parts of Africa.

The unique climate and soil conditions of these areas contribute to the distinctive taste and appearance of the Custard Red Apple.

Red custard apple health benefits

Rich in Antioxidants

Packed with antioxidants, the red custard apple helps combat oxidative stress in the body, supporting overall health and potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

Vitamins and Minerals

A good source of essential vitamins like Vitamin C and minerals such as potassium, the fruit contributes to immune function, skin health, and proper fluid balance.

Dietary Fiber

The red custard apple contains dietary fiber, promoting digestive health by preventing constipation and supporting a healthy digestive system.

Heart Health

Potassium in the fruit plays a role in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels, contributing to cardiovascular health.

Energy Boost

Natural sugars in the red custard apple provide a quick energy boost, making it a nutritious and delicious snack option.

Cancer-Fighting Properties

Some studies suggest that custard apples may have compounds with anti-cancer properties, although further research is needed to fully understand these potential benefits.


With its high water content, the fruit aids in keeping the body hydrated, contributing to overall well-being.

Bone Health

The presence of calcium and phosphorus in custard apples supports bone health and development.

Red custard apple

How to eat a Ripe Cherimoya

Here’s a simple guide on how to enjoy this tropical fruit:

Selecting a Ripe Fruit

  • Choose a red custard apple that is slightly soft to the touch, indicating ripeness.
  • Look for vibrant red color and avoid fruits with blemishes or overly soft spots.

Preparing the Fruit

  • Wash the red custard apple thoroughly under running water.
  • Place the fruit on a cutting board

Cutting the Fruit

  • Using a sharp knife, make a gentle incision around the circumference of the fruit, being careful not to cut too deep.
  • Hold the fruit in both hands and gently twist it open. The red custard apple is known for its easy-to-open nature.

Revealing the Interior

  • Once opened, you’ll find the creamy, custard-like interior filled with dark seeds.
  • Some people prefer to eat the flesh directly with a spoon, scooping out small portions.

Removing Seeds

  • Spit out the seeds as you encounter them, or use a spoon to remove them if you prefer seedless bites.

Savoring the Flavor

  • Enjoy the sweet and creamy flesh of the red custard apple, savoring each bite.


  • Custard red apples can be enjoyed on their own, but you can also incorporate them into fruit salads, desserts, or smoothies for a delightful twist.

Can I eat the red custard apple seeds?

The seeds of the red custard apple are typically found in the core of the fruit, embedded within the creamy pulp.

These seeds are brown and glossy, and they should be handled with care as they are not meant for consumption due to their toxic nature.

Red custard apple calories

The caloric content of a red custard apple can vary based on its size and ripeness. On average, a 100-gram serving of red custard apple provides approximately 70-80 calories.

It’s worth noting that the majority of the calories in custard apples come from natural sugars, mainly fructose.

While the fruit is a nutritious and delicious addition to a balanced diet, individuals monitoring their calorie intake or sugar levels may want to consume it in moderation.

Additionally, the fruit offers various vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, contributing to its overall nutritional value.

Where to buy Red custard apple

  • Local grocery stores
  • Farmer’s markets
  • Asian or international grocery stores
  • Online retailers

How to store ripe cherimoyas?


Store ripe red custard apples in the refrigerator. Place them in the crisper drawer to maintain optimal humidity.


Custard apples are sensitive to cold temperatures, so store them at a slightly higher temperature in the refrigerator, ideally around 50°F (10°C).


Store red custard apples separately from other fruits and vegetables. They release ethylene gas, which can accelerate the ripening of nearby produce


If you have multiple custard apples, don’t stack them too closely. Allow for some ventilation to prevent condensation, which can lead to mold.


Consume ripe custard apples promptly, as they are more perishable. If you have unripe fruit, you can let it ripen at room temperature and then transfer it to the refrigerator

Check Regularly

Periodically check stored custard apples for ripeness and any signs of spoilage. Remove any fruits that show signs of overripeness or decay to prevent them from affecting others.

Handle with Care

Custard apples have delicate skins, so handle them gently to avoid bruising. Damaged fruit can spoil more quickly.

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